LeRoy Township Cemetery
Burial or lot sales questions: Sexton, Stacie Dvonch
Full Lot (8 Plots) $400.00 Residents
Full Lot (8 Plots) $800.00 Non-Residents
Half Lot (4 Plots) $200.00 Residents
Half Lot (4 Plots) $400.00 Non-Residents
Full Burial 05/01 – 11/30 $400.00
Full Burial 12/01 – 04/30 $500.00
Ash Burial – $75.00
No permanent plantings allowed on lots without authorization of Sexton.
No grading, leveling or excavating upon a grave site shall be allowed without authorization of Sexton.
Concrete walls or any enclosure causing an obstruction that will not permit the mowing of grass is prohibited. Existing ones may be removed if crumbling or deteriorating.
Any trees or bushes may be removed or trimmed in the interest of maintaining proper appearance and the use of the cemetery.
Flowers shall be placed as to not interfere in mowing and maintenance. Artificial and temporary arrangements shall be allowed May 1 through October 15 and should be removed by the family or removal shall be made by the township caretaker.
All trash, clippings and refuse from your lot must be placed in the trash containers provided.
Any emblems, display, or containers that through decay, deterioration, damage or otherwise becomes unsightly will be removed and disposed of.
Vehicles must stay on the driveway. No snowmobiles or ATV’s allowed.
No Glass